~하는 김에

less than 1 minute read

~을 하는김에
~하는게 낫다
While you’re at it might as well

A: 너 나가는김에 코드연장선 좀 사다줄래
While you’re out, could you pick up an extension cord for me?

B: 그래, 돌아오는 길에 슈퍼에 잠깐 들르지뭐
Sure. I guess I can stop by a supermarket on my way back.

A: 너 그거 사러간 감에 나 필요한게 사실 몇가지 더 있는데, 부탁좀 할게.
While you’re at it, I actually have a few more things I need if you don’t mind.

B: 어차피, 살거 좀 있으면 그냥 같이 가자.
If you have some things to buy, you might as well just come with me.

출처:라이브 아카데미

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