내가 알기로는/ 내가 듣기로는/ 내가 보기에는

less than 1 minute read

  1. 내가 알기로는
    As far as I know(understand)
    Based on what I know
    According to what I know
    As far as I know, that movie is releasing this week.

  2. 내가 듣기로는
    From what I hear
    From what I hear, it’s pretty good.

공개된 내용이 아닌 - 나에게 개인적으로 전달된 얘기에 대해서는
“I was told (that) ~ +” 라고 흔히 표현한다.
ex) 내가 듣기로는 올해에도 똑같을 거래요.
I was told that it would be the same this year.

  1. 내가 보기에는
    The way I see it // As far as I can tell(말하다가 아닌 판단)
    The way I see it, the timing was the problem.

출처:라이브 아카데미

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